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BLACK PANTHER: Some inspirational quotes of Chadwick Boseman

401 Aug. 29, 2020, 12:09 p.m.
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The famous actor of the groundbreaker film “Black Panther”, Chadwick Boseman has died at the age of 43 after struggling with colon cancer for years.  

These are some of Chadwick Boseman's motivational quotes

“Sometimes you need to get knocked down to understand what you fight is.”

“The only difference between hero and the villain is that the villain choses to use that power in a way that is selfish and hurts other people.”

“I think you realize how much you need to have people that you love. It’s not as much about them loving you – it’s about you needing to love people.”

"When you have reached the Hilltop, and you are deciding on next steps, you would rather find purpose than a career.” 

“I remember my first agent telling me – becausethey found me as an actor, but I was probably more interested in writing and directing (and) they were like 'well you can’tdo both things.' And I was like like 'Im gonna show you.’”

"When you pray for something, it can actually happen. And that is powerful!"